Big thank you to everybody who made this trip posible: first and foremost to parents, who financed it and sent encouraging feedback.
Lenfex, who coped with all the changes.
Fiona, Angus and Christine from Natural English, who were always there for us. And Chris and Dan.
Also to people in the club for welcoming us every morning. And our bus drivers.
Thank you to all our British parents and the kind people of Winchester.
We are also grateful for the weather conditions, which were part of our agreement.
It goes without saying that this trip and this blog were successful thanks to Trócoli and Nacho, my witty fellow teachers blessed with a great sense of humour, kind, helpful and energetic, always alert to our children's needs. And great photographers.
With Fiona in Trafalgar Square. |
With Angus "Damon" in the farewell party. |
Y aunque, como dice una amiga, hasta el rabo todo es toro y nos falta el regreso, quiero deciros, viajeros aventureros, que ha sido un honor acompañaros. Habéis dejado el pabellón muy alto. Y no es que lo diga yo. Repetidas veces me he regodeado en los informes que nos daban vuestros British profes cada mañana.